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Project Experiences
The Projects
Projects by Country
Major Service
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Areas of Interest
Technical Expertise
A house of consultants, managers, researchers, trainers & system analysts
Support for EU Coordination and Increased Aid Effectiveness in The Philippines
Improved Capability of Pest Surveillance Officers on Pest Identification and Pest Surveillance for Fruits and Vegetables in the Philippines
Establishment and operation of the Water Sector Regulatory Council – Palestine
EU-BGD Joint Collaboration on Blue Economy
Gender Analysis: Country Gender Profile Zimbabwe
Mid-Term External Evaluation of the EU funded programme
Identification and Formulation of Education & Skills programme in Bangladesh
Final Evaluation of The Project TVET Reform in Bangladesh
Support to Rule of Law in Nigeria Project
Identification of a Programme on Job Creation in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao
Final Evaluation of the Performance Enhancement Programme (PEP) and Operationalization of PEP II
Strengthening Governance for Inclusive and Sustainable Development in Mongolia
Evaluation of the EU-IFC Programme for the Development of SMEs in the Agro Industry Sector in Cambodia
Preparation of the project completion Evaluation report of the Maldives Environmental Management Project
Sundarban Management Project in Bangladesh (SMP)
Assessment of justice budget support benchmarks tranche 3 and 4 in Jordan
"Identification Mission for Sindh Education Support"
Mid Term Evaluation of Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programme in Mongolia
Mid-term evaluation of the PEACE programme in Malakand Division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the BCDP programme in Balochistan (Pakistan)
Environmental Assessment of the Strategic Planning Framework for Fisheries (SPF)- Cambodia
Support to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan in strengthening capacity of NQF Secretariat and Education Statistics - Azerbaijan
Technical Assistance in The Establishment of a Baseline of Agricultural Households Using Irrigation Systems
Strategic Environmental Assessment of the 11th EDF Support to Developing a Market - Oriented and Environmentally Sustainable Beef Meat Industry in Uganda and Support to Promoting Commercial Aquaculture in Uganda projects
Wastewater tariff and update of Operational & Maintenance study in support of the Wastewater Treatment Plant for Tubas-Tayasir
TA-accompanying measure – Finance Safety Retrofits and Environmental Upgrades in the Bangladeshi Ready-Made garment (RMG) Sector
Study of agricultural and food security management information systems in Zimbabwe
Mid Term Evaluation of Food Security Program-Sudan
Support to Elections and Parliamentary Reforms in Pakistan
Trade and Agriculture Support Programme- phase II- Tanzania
Ex-post evaluation of the Global Climate Change Alliance Programme - Tanzania (2011-2013)
Support to the Clean Ganga Initiative and Preparation for Wider EU-India Cooperation on Water Issues
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Civil Society in Egypt.
Anticipating the Impact of China's Trade Policies on the EU
Capacity Building in Strengthening Product Testing Laboratories- Nigeria
Assessment of the 1st tranche of sector budget support programme Support to public finance and public administration reforms (PFPA)-Jordan
Asia-Pacific Development Center On Disability (APCD) Project: Phase 1 & 2
Anticipating The Impact Of China's Trade Policies On The EU
Formulation of Accountable Democratic Governance Programme support to Rwanda under the 11th EDF.
Identification and Formulation Missions of EU Intervention In Securing Cross Border Social, Economic And Commercial Activities in the Great Lakes Region (DRC, Rwanda & Burundi).
Identification and Formulation Missions of EU Intervention In Securing Cross Border Social, Economic And Commercial Activities in the Great Lakes Region (DRC, Rwanda & Burundi).
Identification and Formulation Missions of EU Intervention In Securing Cross Border Social, Economic And Commercial Activities in the Great Lakes Region (DRC, Rwanda & Burundi). Objectives:
EU-Ethiopia Cooperation: EU+ JP Exercise II
Mid-Term Evaluation of 10th EDF Support to Non-State Actors - Environment Component in Tanzania
Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) – Bangladesh Project: Climate Resilient Agriculture and Food Security
Study Mission under focal area of education - TVET sub-sector Analysis in Nepal
Mapping Study of Civil Society Organization in Kazakhstan
Developing a National Implementing Entity (NIE) for Bangladesh
Setting up of a Multi-Donor trust fund for peace in Myanmar (MDTF)
Improving and Integrating Animal Health Services in the Livestock Value Chain Through Public-Private Dialogue in Ethiopia
Final Evaluation of EU-Vietnam Health Sector Capacity Support Project (HSCSP).
Mid-term Evaluation of Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health And Nutrition Services For Indigenous Peoples and Other Disadvantaged Communities in Mindanao
Mid Term Review Of Phase I of Civil Society Fund II (CSF II)
Climate Finance Readiness Support Program
Supporting Implementation of HPNSDP: Technical Assistance for Developing National Strategy on Alternative Medical Care (AMC).
Supporting Implementation of HPNSDP: A Preparatory Survey on Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Improvement Project in Bangladesh
Protecting Children from violence: A comprehensive evaluation of UNICEF's strategies and programme performance in Bangladesh.
Technical Assistance in Support of the Implementation of the Ethiopian Energy Authority Program of Activities 2014- 2020.
Evaluation of the EU support to Yemen: Reproductive Health and Population Programme phase 2
Support to the Formulation of two new EU-funded Programmes on support of the Governance and the Peace Process in Myanmar
Final Evaluation of the 10th EDF Bridging Divides through Accountable Governance (BDAG)
Evaluation of EIDHR CBSS Projects in Bangladesh from budget 2006 to 2012
Civil Society Mapping and Recommendations for EU Future Engagements.
Local Governance Rehabilitation - Final Evaluation
Mapping of the civil society and Project Identification of a Support Program to the civil society in Rwanda
Supporting Implementation of the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (Subproject-2).
Fiduciary Risk Assessments (FRA) and Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Consultancy
A Country-wide Political Economy Analysis for Bangladesh: Governance and Home Affairs.
Survey of personnel costs in grant, contribution agreements and delegation agreements: Studies and technical assistance in all sectors
Evaluation of the EU support to Reproductive Health services in Taiz, Lahij, Al Hudaydah, and accompanying measures in view of its continuation.
Monitoring of Education Sector Reform Programme in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Mid term Evaluation of the project “Support to the independent Governance Institutions involved in the electoral process”
Evaluation of the European Commission's Humanitarian and Disaster Risk Reduction Activities (DIPECHO) in Indonesia”
Completion/ex-post Evaluation of decision ASIE/2005/017-585- EC - Support to the national Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Programme
Ex Post Evaluation of Vulnerable Group Development for Ultra-Poor (VGDUP) Programme.
Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector Development Program: Package-A (Program Support Consultancy) in Bangladesh”
Independent Mid-Term Review of Central Asia Regional Migration Programme (CARMP)
Formulation Mission Health Sector Policy Support Programme - Phase III
Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) Mapping and Needs Assessment Study
Getting ready for the VPA: awareness and business dialogue on legal timber trade
Support to the Civil Society of Lao PDR to prepare and participate to the 9th Asia Europe meeting ASEM9.
UNIQUE (a major EC funded Project) Baseline Study for Non formal education , Primary education and Out of School Children.
Assessment of NSA call for Proposals 132-199.
Formulation Mission for PRDP Projects, Georgia
Qualitative Research Study: Quality of Education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Promoting Cultural and Natural Heritage in Ethiopia.
Identification Mission for HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAMME – Pakistan
"Formulation of Food Security 2012 Bangladesh Programme"-Bangladesh
Technical Assistance for the Development of DILG-LGA Volunteer Program and Local Governance Watch System-The Philippines
Technical Assistance for Programming Support for Kenya under the MDG Initiative (
Market Survey, Baseline Data Gathering and Mapping Study for Women's Economic Empowerment in Four Pilot Areas of Ethiopia
Post-evaluation of the Smallholder Livestock Production Program (SLPP) in Cambodia
Documentation on the Urban Informal Economy Project of ILO by profiling implementation modality of seven key project components for elimination of child labour from urban informal sector.
Support for Drafting of Strategic Documents and Corresponding Action Plans, including Media Awareness Research for Improved Implementation of the Personal Data Protection Right
A Secondary Review based Study on Jute Sector of Bangladesh
EU Support to Law Enforcement and Justice in Indonesia
Designing Action Program Summary Outlines (APSO) on preparation for formal education and skills development training and raising awareness that aims to reduce hazardous child labour in urban informal sectors in a sustainable manner.
Formulation of Governance Programme in the Gambia: Component “Access to Justice and Legal Education”
Formulation Mission on improving the Migration Management System of the Philippines
Evaluation of EU supports to Indonesia's Public Finance Management (PFM)
Sindh Education Sector Support Programme: Identification Mission.
Monitoring of Food Facility Projects in the Philippines
Evaluation of SHARAKA YEMEN Programme and Formulation of a Major Governance Programme for the Republic of Yemen.
Capacity Needs Assessment of Dhaka City Corporation (DCC).
Country Response to Child Labour and Way Forwards
Comparative assessment of EC Supported Food Security interventions in Bangladesh.
Technical Assistance to conduct the Identification and Formulation of a €27M Human Development Programme.
Support to the European Commission Delegation in Kenya for the evaluation of full grant applications in the framework of the Call for Proposal « Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development, Actions in partner countries » Kenya
Support to Evaluation of the Call for Proposals EuropeAid/xxx/C/ACT/Multi-launched in May 2009 under the Food Facility Regulation.
Assessment of Feasibility of Management Information System and establishment of Child Protection IMS and M&E under the Department of Social Services (DSS), Ministry of Social Welfare (MSW)
Mid-term review of ongoing and formulation of future non-formal primary education programme in Bangladesh
Outcome and impact assessment (Asia) of the international response to the avian influenza (AI) crisis
Sector Review and Identification Mission for Secondary Education EC Education Support under MIP 2009-2010 in Bangladesh
Assess project proposals submitted in response to the second EC Call for Proposals under Small Initiatives by Local Innovative NGOs (SMILING) programme.
Formulation of EC Food Security Programme 2009 in Bangladesh.
Formulation and Evaluation Mission of Support to Primary Education in Chittagong Hill Tracts – Phase II
Resource Mapping and Situational Analysis for Development of a National Child Labour Monitoring System
Second Phase of Analytical Work: The Role of Labor in the Foreign Assistance Framework, Bangladesh Labor Assessment.
Assessment of the Corporate Governance Strengthening Project (CGSP).
Preparing the Urban Primary Health Care Sector Development Program in Bangladesh.
Evaluation of EC support to health sector policy development and the fight against poverty related diseases.
In-country Research and Data Collection on Forced Labor and/or Child labor in the Production of Goods in Bangladesh.
Improving Food Safety in Bangladesh– Appraisal of a project concept developed by FAO in collaboration with the relevant ministries
A Validation Study on the Nature of Effects on the Children Employed in the Hazardous Sectors of Bangladesh
The roles and responsibilities of DCC and LGRD&C as ILO’s primary partner in the Urban Informal Economy (UIE)
Survey on Social Safety Nets under Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) Project in Bangladesh
Mid-Term-Review of the National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme (NFPCSP)
The Development of Sales & Distribution Strategy of SMC
Design Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) System for BEHTRUWC Project’s 2nd Phase
Preparing summaries of 60+ major reports of studies, evaluations, surveys, etc. of UNICEF-BCO
Application of Marker Development Approach (commercial aspects and private sector roles) to the Health Care Sector of Bangladesh
A research/ study for understanding the perceptions about WFCL that are held by leaders and decision makers in the public and private sectors of Bangladesh and how these may affect policy reform
Final Evaluation of the RHIYA (EU/UNFPA Reproductive Health Initiative for Youths in Asia) Project of FPAB (Family Planning Association of Bangladesh).
Study for a systematic compilation of compendium of micro-credit providers within Dhaka City.
Impact Assessment Study on Non-Formal Education Activities of Dutch-funded ILO-IPEC (pilot) Project (First Phase)
Baseline Survey of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) of Tea Plantation Workers in Sylhet Division on Reproductive Health (RH), Family Planning, HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Right, and Gender Issues
Impact Assessment Study in the Bidi Sector for Prevention and Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Selected Formal and Informal Sectors in Bangladesh (BGD/00/P50/USA).
Final Evaluation of Urban Community Development Project (UCDP)–Rangpur
Situational Assessment and Mapping of the Children Working in the Selected Hazardous Occupations in Six Divisional Cities in Bangladesh
Assessment of the Status of Children in the Brothels of Bangladesh in the light of UNCRC
Coding, Entry, and Analysis of Data Collected from the Completed BEHTRUC Survey Forms of 5 Cities for Preparing an Analytical Report
Health Sector Labour Market Study.
The NFE-2 Project Completion Report (an in-depth assessment of NFE-2)
A Baseline Study to Measure the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Various Participants in the Quality Promotional Activities of Primary Education programs under the IDEAL and BEHTRUC Projects of UNICEF and Bangladesh Government
Tracer Study for the graduates of UCEP Technical School in Chittagong
Partnership for Providing Regular Technical Assistance
Baseline Survey for the project titled
Micro Health Insurance for Poor Rural Women in Bangladesh (MHIB)
An Evaluation of NGO Contracting in Bangladesh: contracting NGOs for the delivery of health services.
Review of the BRAC/CFPR Income Generating Vulnerable Group Development Programme
An Evaluation and Survey in the Amcross Supported Community Health Care Project of BDRCS
A Post Intervention KAP Study and Final Evaluation of FPAB-EC/UNFPA Reproductive Health Initiative-RHI Project.
An Investigative Undertaking towards Designing Sustainability Strategies for the Reproductive Health Initiative-RHI Projects/Partners of EC/UNFPA.
A Pre-Intervention Study to measure the Baseline Status of Quality of Care Issues and Users’ Satisfaction with Services Provided at MCH Centres of BDRCS within Dhaka Division.
Legal and Management Services for Registration of Engender Health, former AVSC International.
Cross-evaluation of EC financed projects involving micro-credit in Bangladesh.
Designing Baseline Study, Regular Monitoring System, Midterm Evaluation Study, and Impact Evaluation Study for a nationwide multimedia campaign program.
Legal consultancy to the ORBIS International Bangladesh Office.
Legal and Management Compliance audit of AVSC Bangladesh
A Rapid Assessment of Flood Impacts on the Democracy Partnership Partners and their Program Activities.
Technical Assistance (TA) in developing concept papers and research protocols.
Pre-funding evaluation/appraisal of a Bangladeshi NGO, namely, Gana Unnyan Kendra (GUK).
Evaluation of Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)
An Assessment of the functional effectiveness of Thana Project Committee.
Role of NGOs in Bangladesh: contribution to sustainable human development
Technical Assistance (TA) in developing new project proposal and a set of concept papers.
The Role and Status of Rural Medical Practitioners in Bangladesh
Tracer Study and Job-market Situation analysis of the UCEP technical school leavers.
Project formulation studies on Population, AIDS, and Child Health.
Workshop on Post-Evaluation Vision Exercise Workshop for the EDM-Supported Handicrafts Project Staff.
Management Development Assessment (MDA) and Performance Evaluation Study of EDM Supported Handicrafts Project.
Final Management and Performance Evaluation of two EDM supported Boys' Homes
Follow-up study of mid-term Management and Performance Evaluation of two EDM Supported Boys' Homes.
Mid-term Management and Community Level Impacts evaluation study of the Shaturia Integrated Rural Development Program
Mid-term Management and Performance Evaluation Study of two EDM supported Boys' Homes.
Technical Assistance in the Preparation of Agriculture Public Investment Projects (Rwanda)
Rural Development and food Security (LOT 1) under Detailed Formulation and Feasibility of a Program on the Job Creation in Mindanao
Evaluation of Myanmar Climate Change Alliance (MCCA)
Study on policy and programming options to promote sustainable economic growth and job creation in Afghanistan
Technical Assistance (TA) to the MoHFW and to the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperative for Urban Health and Nutrition in Bangladesh
Small and Marginal Sized Farmers Agricultural Productivity Improvement and Diversification Financing Project
Final Analysis Studies- Food Security for Woman and Rural Poor
Evaluation Study - Health Development Councils Yemen
Ex-post Evaluation of the Food Security Programme 2006 in Bangladesh
Legal On-The-Ground Support to the EU - Philippines FTA Negotiations
Myanmar Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Process: Development and Implementation of Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategies to Support the Preparation and Negotiation Phases of the Myanmar-EU Voluntary Partnership Agreement
Pre-identification of potential EU's contribution to the Green Economy sector in Ghana through the development of local social-environmental or eco-enterprises
Formulation of the
Mid-Term Evaluation Enhancing Access of Children to Education and Fighting Child Labour in Egypt
Final Evaluation of Support to Institutionalizing the Nepal Food Security Monitoring and Analysis System in Nepal
Strengthening the Chittagong Port Authority Training Institute (CPATI)
Technical Assistance for Improving Active Citizenship Programme in South Africa
Support to the EU Country Roadmap for Engagement with Civil Society in Myanmar Process
Mapping Study of Civil Society in the Human Rights and Social Justice Sector in South Africa
Natural Resources Management for Local Economic Development in Kigoma Region (NRM for LED) in Tanzania
Final Evaluation of the “Improving Food Security through Crop Production Intensification and School Feeding Program’ in Gambia
Sector Policy Support Programme for Elementary and Secondary Education in India
EU-China Young Farmers Program: Rural Development and Food security
Technical Assistance to the Attorney General's Office for the preparation of the Five-years Reform Strategy- Afghanistan
Ex-post Final Evaluation of the Mapping of Groundwater Resources in Uganda project RfS 2017/386287/1
Assessment of the Sector Budget Support Programme -
Support to the EU-Mongolia Human Rights Dialogue
Review of Sector Reform Contract support to Human Rights Protection in Armenia
Study on the Situation Analysis of Facility and Equipment Condition and Human Resources for Health at Selected Health Facilities and Community Activities for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Control in Bangladesh under the Data Collection Survey for Health Service Strengthening Project
EU Support to Juvenile Justice in Kosovo
Gender Analysis for the Electricity Sector in Liberia
Formulation of EU Support to Reforms in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Ukraine
External Technical Audit of Construction Works of 5 Grant-Funded Medium Scale Irrigation Schemes – Malawi
Supporting the Government of Azerbaijan in preparation for implementation of the Annual Action Programme 2016 via Modernization of mediation system in line with EU best practices
Evaluation of the Kampala Sanitation Program - Sanitation Measures for Enhanced Basic Sanitation Coverage and Protection of Lake Victoria - Uganda
Enhancing Civil Society Organizations and LA Contributions to Governance and Development Processes in Sierra Leone
Gender Analysis in Lebanon
Evaluation of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Bosnia and Herzegovina – Country Based Support Schemes (CBSS) 2011-2014
Identification and Formulation mission for Assistance to Cooperation Mechanisms at Federal and Provincial level in provinces of Balochistan and Sindh, Pakistan
Final Evaluation of Two Operations of The Programme
Gender Country Profile for Palestine - Update and Extension of the Existing Analysis in the Framework of the EU Joint Programming in Palestine
Mid Term Review - Water Tower Protection and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (WaTER) Programme
Civil Society and Local Authorities (CSO-LA) in Development Programme Monitoring in Armenia 2018-2019
Ex-Post (final) External Evaluation of the EU funded project
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of Urban Resilience Project (URP) for the Ministry of Planning (Planning Commission/Programming Division/Project Coordination and Monitoring Unit)
TA-9218 REG: Agriculture Market Specialist (50058-001) [Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Pakistan]
Support to the Management of Labor Migration in Ethiopia (SMLME) Project
Training and Capacity Building for the Attorney General's Office of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Evaluation of DCI-ASIE/2010/21-730- Support to the Afghan Public Health and Nutrition Sector
Study for Disabled People’s Mobility Improvement-Consultancy Services for DSCC & DNCC Component of Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project (AF)
TA for Forestry and Agroforestry assessment, Improve Sector Coordination & Preparation of Public Investment Project - Rwanda
Performance Review of the Zimbabwe Forestry Commission
Identification and Formulation of Children and Adolescent Rights Programme for Bangladesh
Land Governance Formulation Study in Zambia
Feasibility study on the Matching Grant component of the
External Performance Monitoring of Sindh Union Council and Community Economic Strengthening Support (SUCCESS) decision in Pakistan
Water Resources Assessment in the Upper West Region and Northern Region - Ghana
TA 8330-REG “Harmonizing the Greater Mekong Sub region (GMS) Power Systems to Facilitate Regional Power Trade”
Skills Development Formulation Study in Zambia
Access to Finance Study – Zambia
Evaluation of EU Public Finance Modernization Programme in Viet Nam (EU-PFMO)
Strategic Orientation for EU's engagement in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Somalia
Support to Communication and Visibility Actions for the Ghana Employment and Social protection (GESP) Programme
Support the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) in Strengthening the Receipt, Verification, Protection and Assistance of the Victims of Human Trafficking
Consultancy Services of Supervision Specialist (International) Firm under Financial Sector Support Project (FSSP) in order to Review, Consolidate and Streamline the Supervisory Activities of Bangladesh Bank with Specific Emphasis on Risk-based supervision
Mid-term evaluation of TVET Practical Partnership for Nepal (TVET-PP)
Strengthening of Diagnostic Imaging System Of 7 Division Medical College Hospital - Consulting Service for Maternal, Neonatal Child Health (MNCH) and Health System Improvement Project – Bangladesh
Midterm Evaluation to Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience in the Dry Corridor - Honduras
Advisory Services and Technical Assistance in Agriculture and Nutrition Sector in Myanmar
Pre-feasibility Study for the Upgrading of Gogo Hydropower Plant, Migori County, Kenya
Mid-term evaluation of Support to the Modernization of the Agricultural Sector in Sri Lanka
Review Of Agriculture Sector Strategic Plan (ASSP I) & Formulation of The ASSP II For Uganda
Strategic and Technical Support to the National Council for Women in Egypt
Improving Education Programmes and Services to Meet the Needs of Marginalized Groups in Montenegro
Enhancing EU Communication and Visibility for Supporting Women's Participation in Public Life
Technical & Institutional Support for Solid Waste Management Services: Professionalization of the Operations of the Joint Service Council for Solid Waste Management in Khan Younis, Rafah and Middle Governorates (JSC-KRM) - Gaza, Palestine
Final Evaluation of Road Transport Sector and Policy Support Programme - Phase 2 in Tanzania
Ex-post Evaluation of Citizens Justice and Peace Programme in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Second Urban Primary Health Care Project in Bangladesh (a TA Project of ADB)
Final Evaluation of Human Rights Programmes in Georgia
Trademarks and Industrial Designs Office in Egypt
Final Evaluation of the Support for Trade and Economic Capacity Building: Trade and Private Sector Development (TPSD) Nepal
Evaluation of the Catalyzing WASH from Possible to Profitable Fund in Ghana
Urban Management of Internal Migration Due to Climate Change (UMIMCC) Project for Assessments and Development of Employment-Oriented training and Vocational Training Programmes and Entrepreneurship trainings
Support to the EU with Coordination and Strengthening of Aid Effectiveness in Myanmar, 2020
Study on Air pollution in Dhaka and Opportunities for Cost-effective Control Solutions
Promoting Sustainable Building in Bangladesh
Identification Study for Action on Gender Equality in Palestine – AAP 2021
Ex-post evaluation of SHARE (Supporting the Hardest to Reach through Basic Education) Programme in Bangladesh
Situation Analysis: Scope and Feasibility for Mainstreaming Disability into all Relevant sectors
Technical Assistance to Libya Ministry of Planning - Public Administration Reform and Organizational Development of Public institutions
Mid-Term Evaluation of the EU funded programme Support to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform Programme in Egypt TVET II
Develop Generic Technical Specifications of WB (Health SWAP Pool) to Support the MOHFW with the Procurement of Medical Equipment under Fourth Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Program (4th HPNSP)
Impact Evaluation: Support to Renewable Energy, Clean Technologies and Energy Efficiency in India
Short term Support for the State Cadastre Agency of Albania
Evaluation of European Neighborhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) Programme in Georgia
Promoting Heritage for Ethiopian's Development (PROHEDEV) Programme-Final Evaluation
Technical Assistance to Support the Ministry of Health and Regions to manage the Social Determinants of Health (SDH) for Gender Equality program in Ethiopia
Support to Horn of Africa Initiative (HoAI) on Regional Integration and Economic Development
Technical Assistance GIS Expert to support the 2020 National Population & Housing Census
Azerbaijan Business Forum project
Feasibility study and Preparation of Conceptual designs of Bridges at Various Ferry crossing points
TA-9723 REG: Support for Human and Social Development in Southeast Asia – Preparing the REG: Healthy Borders Special Economic Zones (52335-001)
TA-9971 REG: Greater Mekong Sub region Cross-border Livestock Health and Value Chains Improvement Project under TA 54002-001 REG: Southeast Asia Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development Facility - Phase II
Consulting Services for Programme Implementation for Hospital Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) Makassar, Indonesia
Mid-term Evaluation of the 'Support to Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC)' Programme" in Nigeria
TA-6535 REG: Addressing Health Threats in Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Countries and the Caucasus – Health Security and Health Systems Strengthening (54124-001)
TA-9290 REG: Strengthening Project Preparation Capacity in Asia and the Pacific - Support for Ongoing Monitoring and Project Restructuring (Subproject 2) - #3 PHI: BCDA Project Monitoring (Firm) (49407-003)
TA-9660 REG: Promoting Transformative Gender Equality Agenda in Asia and the Pacific - UCCRTF Subproject: National Consulting Firm - Bangladesh (52214-001)
Assessment of Rohingya Refugee Responses Management in Bangladesh
Study for the Assessment of the EU and EU Member States potential support in Job Creation in Ethiopia
Drafting of the Gender Action Plan Country Level Implementation Plan and of a Gender Analysis of the Green and Digital Sectors in South Africa
Mid-Term Evaluation of EU Support to Third parties provided under Civil Society Facility in Turkey
External Assessment of Cambodia's Social Protection Sector policy
Analysis and Pre-identification of an EU Framework Support Programme to Ethiopia in the Green Deal Sector
Tracer Study of "Support to the TVET Sector in Pakistan" Project (TVET III)
Support to EU Market Access in Indonesia through Negotiation of the Free Trade Agreement, and the Market Access Strategy
Third-Party Monitoring Service for Iraq in the Domain of Civil Society/Human Rights, Anti-corruption, Education and Local Governance
Communication and Visibility of the AGRI-CONNECT Programme – Tanzania
Consulting Services for Agro Business Planning, Technologies and Marketing Advice and Implementation Support under Livestock and Dairy Development Project (LDDP) [Package No: DLS/ LDDP/ S-67]
Technical Assistance for Bhutan’s Economic Recovery post COVID19
Third Party Monitoring of the Lebanon Social Protection Projects for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese Population
Feasibility and scoping study: Education Technology for better Teacher Development – Bangladesh
TA-6734 VIE: Public–Private Partnerships, Private Sector Development, and State-Owned Enterprise Reform - Women-focused Research and Capacity Building (54445-001)
Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project-Additional Financing (UPHCSDP-AF) - Strengthening of Urban Local Bodies (ULB) [Package/Contract Number: SD-01]
EU Cooperation with the International Solar Alliance – India
Air Quality Management Initiative in India
FWC Services for The Implementation of External Aid (SIEA) 2018
Impact Assessment of Salt tolerant potato and Sweet potato Production for Strengthening Food System Resilience in Bangladesh
Developing an eGovernment Strategy & Government Enterprise Architecture for Ethiopia
TA-6834 BAN: Support to Southwest Area Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management Project – Additional Financing – Firm Consulting Firm (34418-024)
Support Programming of Future EU funded Actions in the field of Green/Climate change growth and Sustainable Development in Armenia
Support to the Implementation of the European Union action “Youth Training and Leadership Opportunities” in Myanmar
Consultancy Services for Formalizing Informal “Jhut” Sector with Revisiting its Social Standards under Sustainability in the Textile and Leather Sector (STILE) Project
Circular Economy - Promotion of Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns in Ukraine
Technical assistance II to the Zambian Authorities to maximize Zambia Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Transformation (ZE2ST) Program Impact
Nagorikata - Civic Engagement Fund (CEF) Project
Indonesia Wind farm feasibility study
EU Legislation on Global Value Chain Sustainability in Ethiopia - under Lot 2
Strengthen the Monitoring and Information Framework of the Jobs and growth program; and Ensure communication and visibility on results and performance of the J&G programme in and out of Sierra Leone
Operationalization of the EU Civil Society Roadmap for Strengthening the role of CSOs as EU Strategic Partners in Egypt
End line Evaluation Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS II) Project
ADB: P57123-001: Preparing The Sustainable Agrifood Systems Sector Project in Lao PDR
Technical Assistance to Support the Transitional Stage of Establishing Service and Public Administration Commission in Jordan
Strengthen the Global Gateway Investment Agenda Development and Implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Technical Assistance to Support the Rwanda Development Board to Enhance Business Environment and Attractiveness of Rwanda for Investment
TA-6930 REG: Accelerating Climate Finance Investments through the Financial Sector in Bangladesh and Nepal - 01 Climate Finance Study (56009-001)
Consulting Services for Change and Stakeholder Management under Enhancing Digital Government and Economy (EDGE) Project; IDA Credit No.: 6675-BD; Package: EDGE-S2
Strengthen the Global Gateway Investment Agenda development and implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean (Argentina, Honduras, Jamaica)
Design, Implementation Support and Systems for Human Resource (HR) Policy and Financial Management (FM) Policy of BEZA under National Special Economic Zone Development Project - PRIDE, IDA 6676-BD, Package No.: PMC-19-BSMSN-BEZA
Consulting Service for Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Management Modernization and Agriculture Trade Promotion in LAO PDR
Tracer Study on the RAISE Apprenticeship Program
Methane Emissions Reduction and Climate Finance for Bangladesh’s Rice and Livestock Subsector
Project Details
Health Sector Labour Market Study.
Main Focus:
Bangladesh: Health Sector Labour Market